
Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.

William Arthur Ward

Well said, Billy.

I've been thinking lately about where we invest our attention and energy when working towards something important. How many times have you put your head down striving towards accomplishing something, only to realise you are missing out on all the joy that exists within the journey?

I've noticed myself lately investing a lot of attention into where I'd like my business to be in six months. Which is absolutely an important part of developing a business! But, I find myself from time-to-time overlooking what I am doing well or forgetting to celebrate what I have achieved so far.

The essence of mindfulness is to pay attention to the present moment. So, looking at what's here for us right now. Not yesterday, not tomorrow. Right here, right now. And gratitude offers us that mindful moment. Expressing appreciation for what we have and where we are, allows us to enjoy the flow towards the destination (end goal).

Whether it be through journalling, sharing your responses with family/friends or counting your blessings in a meditation practice, frequent engagement in gratitude reflection releases dopamine and serotonin - two of our feel good chemicals.

And the best part… it's free and accessible 24/7.

It's great to have a goal or something to work towards, but don't forget to pause and notice what light, love and abundance exists for you in this moment.


Gratitude Prompts

Here are some prompts to jazz up your journals!

Tip: Don't limit yourself to just 1 or 2 prompts. Mix it up and think outside the box to keep the spark alight.

Morning reflections (& intention setting)

  • What would make today great?

  • What am I most grateful for as a rise this morning?

  • What can I do for myself (or someone else) today that would make me (them) smile?

  • Write down a mantra or daily affirmation

Evening reflections

  • What are 3 things that made today wonderful?

  • Write about something you did today that helped someone

  • Write about something someone did that positively impacted your day

  • Write about something you accomplished today?

  • What was your favourite moment from today?

Special shares (can be done anytime to cultivate the warm & fuzzies)

  • Which 3 people are you most appreciative of at this time and why?

  • Write about a pet and what makes him/her special

  • List 3 of your favourite strengths or qualities and why they are important to you

  • Write about something good going on in your community/network of family & friends


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