Defusion - Letting go of thoughts

If it's out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind too.

- Ivan Nuru

Ivan, you wise soul.

Do you ever get caught in thought? And no, not the pleasant day dreaming type of thought. But really fused with your thoughts, so much so that you see the world through them?

Firstly, you're not alone.

Secondly, it's not your fault.

Thirdly, there's something we can do about it.

While we can't switch off thinking entirely, we certainly can choose what we subscribe to in there *points to brain. See, there's this wonderful technique called defusion which helps us to detangle our thoughts and take a step back from them, particularly when they aren't very helpful (either by distorting our perception or getting in the way of what we want or value).

Defusion is simply to see your thinking for what it is, thinking.

Defusion helps us to see the world AND our thoughts rather than seeing the world through the lens of our thoughts.

What might it be like to let a thought be just that, a thought?


A tried and tested strategy for striving

